Blue Bison:
There once was a blue bison. It is a blue tale. Happy and true.. This bison grew among a herd of buffalo. You may ask, what's a bison doing with the midst of buffalo? Its a long story! Except its not. For he was adopted as a young bison when the buffalo family were on vacation. Well, I'll tell you, Mr. Bison grew up with quite a self esteem problem. For buffalo were indeed, much greater, much bigger and much more beautiful than a lil old bison. This made Mr. Bison quite sad. Yes, in fact, he grew quite blue. Could it really and truly be said that it was a blue tale? For one day, Mr. Bison wandered away from the herd of buffalo. When he did, at first he was so frightened. He wandered the great savannah prairies for days, being thirsty. And hungry. Being dirty. And lonely. He wandered from sun up, 'til sun down. One side of the savannah to the other. He was searching. Searching for his buffalo family. He yearned. He cried. He turned and he sighed. In the hopes his buffalo fa...