
Blue Bison:

There once was a blue bison. It is a blue tale. Happy and true.. This bison grew among a herd of buffalo. You may ask, what's a bison doing with the midst of buffalo? Its a long story! Except its not. For he was adopted as a young bison when the buffalo family were on vacation. Well, I'll tell you, Mr. Bison grew up with quite a self esteem problem. For buffalo were indeed, much greater, much bigger and much more beautiful than a lil old bison. This made Mr. Bison quite sad. Yes, in fact, he grew quite blue. Could it really and truly be said that it was a blue tale?  For one day, Mr. Bison wandered away from the herd of buffalo. When he did, at first he was so frightened. He wandered the great savannah prairies for days, being thirsty. And hungry. Being dirty. And lonely. He wandered from sun up, 'til sun down. One side of the savannah to the other. He was searching. Searching for his buffalo family. He yearned. He cried. He turned and he sighed. In the hopes his buffalo fa...

The Vein that connected Two Hearts:

There once was a vein that connected two hearts. These hearts were in separate bodies entirely. And this vein, in point of fact, was entirely invisible. These two hearts could be miles apart. Or right next to one another, beating on one another. No matter how far the two hearts were from each other, this vein connected them. Through push, through pull, through trial, through joy, whatever was done to separate these two hearts, not a thing could work. Actually, every other body part envied the two hearts. For these two hearts had something no other body part could have. Such a direct love never existed within the bodily kingdom. Not ever! One day, these two hearts were walking down the street together when they encountered a heart brain. This brain, scheming, trying to sow doubts between the two hearts, to come betwixt the two. And, taking aside beautiful heart, the female heart among them, brain said to her, "You know, I've seen Handsome heart galloping about with other organs...

Radio Raisin:

Radio raisin was a special raisin. His name may in fact give it away! But... But, not in the way you think. My guess is when you hear radio raisin, you believe I speak about an anthropomorphic raisin operating a radio receiver. It's a good guess but like all of these stories, the true tale turns out to be a little stranger. And a little spicier.  This raisin was a very special raisin indeed. You see, he had, growing out from his head, a long, unbreakable antenna. Most other creatures simply believed it to be a stem. One the manufacturing factory missed. He had his origins in a California raisins box. You know the ones. It's there where he was separated from his family.  You see, inside the box, all was darkness, until one day, the box shook up a little and from the crest, a light shone in. Then. . . As soon as the box was opened, it was dropped onto the ground. The family of raisins rushed out of the box, pumping their wee little legs hurriedly, just in time to catch sight of ...


Once upon a time, there was a. . . A. . . Once upon a time, there was a. . . Hmm. What shall we even call this fantastic creation of Jehovah? He was. . . Well, he was a bumble. . . No, that's not it. He was a pupp. . . Nope, it won't do either. I think I've got it! I shall simply describe his appearance to you. Then, you may call him whatever you will!  Once upon a time, there was a wee creature. This creature had long, floppy ears, a long and pointed snout. But, he was also striped across his abdomen. He possessed a pair of translucent wings and a long, pointy stinger in place of a tail. This creature enjoyed flying from flower to flower to hover over their petals. What a sight! He was big as a Rottweiler! Yet, attracted to these wee little flowers. It may have looked out of place but in point of fact, this bright, big, furry, striped and airborne creature did a heck of a job pollinating the flowers. One day, a swarm of bumblebees approached him. At the same time, from the...

Spotted Sun Geckos:

Once, there was a spotted sun gecko. He found a perfect spot to hide out. This spot was just perfect. On a black shingled tile. Right in the sun. He lay there like a little blob of joy, melting deeply into the shingled tile with the delightful suns rays. How delightful, spotted sun gecko thought. Is this paradise? He continued to think. Still, one thing was missing in his life. After a couple of hours, the suns rays began to recede and pass over the black shingled tile where he lay. Grimacing, frustrated, for spotted sun gecko could get mighty grumpy when he was in the shade, he quickly galloped across the shingled black tile and onto the next shingled black tile. Ahh! There! He exhaled heavily. The suns beams again illuminated his spotted gecko's body. After a moment, he relaxed. The shade had left him mighty chilly! Now, in the sun again, he thought, is this. . . Is this paradise? Moments passed, only moments this time and again he began to feel the frigid shade creeping, creepin...

Golden Apple Stem:

Once, there was a sun traveller. This was no ordinary sun traveller. This sun traveller only travelled in the daylight. It's why they called him sun traveller. This sun traveller was a real pilgrim. He kept in his pocket a piece of paper, with his contact on it. He never knew where he would go or who he would meet. One sunny afternoon, sun traveller lifted his eyes to the skies when what did he see? He saw a massive ladder raising up, up, up into the clouds. There was a single, solitary cloud this day. And lo and behold, it covered the sun pleasantly protecting sun travellers eyes from being hurt. The ladder shot right up, straight through it. He had many travels to undertake that day, many visits to conduct. Still, curiosity was piqued. And so, up, up, up sun traveller climbed until he was deep within the dense cloud. Clouds sure have more substance up close, when you're deep climbing through them! At a point he reached the peak of the cloud above which everything seemed to ge...

Cloud Mushroom:

Ladies! Ladies and gentlemen! Come! Feast your spectacles and hearts upon the giant white mushroom of cloud.  *There it stands. In the center of a giant circus stadium, towering up, up, up and into the sky like a piercing knife.*  Madames et monsieurs, this specimen is neither mushroom nor cloud. In point of fact, it is made from the love around the world. You see, it wanes and ebbs like the ocean, relating to the moon. In times of peace, it amasses into the clouds. But, in times of war, it sinks into the ocean!  *A little boy in the audience shouted out, 'can ya eat it?!'*  No, no no, madames et monsieurs, vous ne le pouvez pas manger. At this very instant, we can witness the mushroom as it towers up into the sky. But! But! What should happen if a young and beautiful couple were to enter and stand next to the mushroom and express their agape?  *The same little boy shouted out, asking, 'what if they kissed?!' There was hysterical laughter in the crowd.*  I ...