Golden Apple Stem:

Once, there was a sun traveller. This was no ordinary sun traveller. This sun traveller only travelled in the daylight. It's why they called him sun traveller. This sun traveller was a real pilgrim. He kept in his pocket a piece of paper, with his contact on it. He never knew where he would go or who he would meet. One sunny afternoon, sun traveller lifted his eyes to the skies when what did he see? He saw a massive ladder raising up, up, up into the clouds. There was a single, solitary cloud this day. And lo and behold, it covered the sun pleasantly protecting sun travellers eyes from being hurt. The ladder shot right up, straight through it. He had many travels to undertake that day, many visits to conduct. Still, curiosity was piqued. And so, up, up, up sun traveller climbed until he was deep within the dense cloud. Clouds sure have more substance up close, when you're deep climbing through them! At a point he reached the peak of the cloud above which everything seemed to get dark. Still, he could not give up now! He had come so far! Besides, there was the sun! And, since sun traveller was a sun traveller, he kept moving, with it in his sight. Before long, the ladder opened up into a broad highway. The sides of which were beautified with plants that bloom at night. Spider plants and many nightshades littered the space on each side. Stars also illumined through, laying their light upon the path of the highway. The only thing is that this highway was empty. It was as though it had opened up just for sun traveller. There! He passed Venus. There! He passed Mercury! They don't look very habitable! But the warmth of the sun was becoming very pleasant. And it was becoming very big. Until, he stood before some gates. Shyly, sun traveller knocked his knobby knuckles upon the gates of the sun. There was a creak and a retort. "Yessus?" A woman's voice cried. "Can I help you?"

Sun traveller responded, "well, well, I'm not sure exactly. I'm looking for the sun."

Behind the gate, sun traveller heard another creak, and the same voice that said, "well, you have come to the right place, I reckon. Oh! Wait a minute! Which sun were you looking for?"

Sun traveller spat, " what kind of question is that? The sun! The earths sun!"

The voice said, "oh! You're looking for earths sun! Well, come in then, won't you?"

The gates were parted. Revealing behind them, vast fields of golden grass. Towering forests of trees with golden foliage. Even the houses there were gold. The water towers, the lampposts, the sewers even were gold! "Come on then! Don't you want to meet Him?"

Sun traveller responded, "who is He that I would want to meet Him?"

"He is the grand creator. He created all in these worlds. Including the other suns."

"I thought you were joking when you spoke about other suns. I'd love to meet Him. If He has time for me."

"Come then!" 

The two skipped down a golden road. Sun traveller stopped, picked a golden grape from the side of the street and put it in his mouth. It exploded into a vitamin of flavor. "What's He like?" Sun traveller asked. 

"Ask Him yourself. We're here!"

They stood out front of a library. A golden library. Entering, the library was empty. Except for one elderly man, leaning over the stack of books. She led sun traveller up to the man and cleared her throat. Instantly, he turned and a frown instantly turned to a welcoming smile. She left the two alone. Sun traveller asked Him questions. Smiled and made gestures. All he did, the man would say nothing. He simply smiled, the most loving smile. His eyes arched up and together, he had a clear concern for sun traveller. The man closed his eyes and sun traveller was eager to do the same. At this moment, sun travellers life flashed before his eyes. He wondered over the images being brought to his awareness. After another moment, the old man's eyes opened slowly. He nodded and grinned lovingly. Sun traveller was stunned. He felt such overwhelming love. He wasn't thinking but made a gesture. He gave the Librarian the piece of paper with his contact from his pocket. The Librarian smiled and said finally, "You have a beautiful future. It will not be the last time we meet."

He woke then. Surrounded by his pillows and walking stick. A dream! What a delightful dream! Turning, to go back to sleep, there he saw, under his pillow, a golden, bright, golden apple stem. How did that get there? Sun traveller thought.


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