Candy Land Insurance

Once, there was an Oreo Cookie. He lived in Candy Land amongst the other candy assortments. Now, in Candy Land, there happened to be arrayed out at every block, wee, little fondue volcanos. These volcanos were special volcanos. These volcanos at every eruption spewed only the finest of chocolate sauce and syrup. And wouldn't you know it, when the syrup hardened, it transformed into marvelous, different types of candy, pastry and cake. Now Mr Oreo Cookie had his home only down the street from one of these fondue volcanos. He had chosen the real estate gladly as it so happened, Candy Land insurance company paid him in chocolate wafers each time that an eruption occurred. Let's just say, Mr Oreo Cookie was a very wealthy cookie. One day, a different kind of eruption occurred. This eruption ended up spewing raspberry jam all through Candy Land. I am sure you can imagine what a ruckus this caused. See, Candy Land had never seen fruit. Even less fruit condiment! What a delightful surprise this caused for the inhabitants of Candy Land. But for the Candy Land insurance, they had to pay out BIG dividends! They ended up going bankrupt. They had no more caramel on the coffers. Well, what happened next? You see, Candy Land insurance was such an important part of Candy Land, what with the constant eruptions and especially these new eruptions that the entire population of Candy Land held a grand fundraiser. The grandest! One to get Candy Land insurance back on its feet. Mr Oreo Cookie headed up the committee in overseeing the fundraiser. It was decided that it would be a black tie, ball dance. Oh, my word! You should see it. Here comes Mrs. Jelly Cake! And Mr Baklava! Look again, here comes DJ Pez Dispenser! He'll sure play some good tunes! Well, how grand an evening it was! Candy Land insurance was reinstated to support of the community. And Mr Oreo Cookie even happened to meet a lady cookie. She was a jelly centered cookie! She was one of the new members of Candy Land. Only introduced with the new type of fondue eruption. And so, Mr Oreo Cookie and Ms Jelly Centered Cookie were married. They had eleven young ones. You may have seen them around in the grocery stores. See they are half and half. Half jelly and half chocolate and cream. What a great treat! Yum! I sure wish I had real estate in Candy Land!


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