The Pelican and the magic Grain of Barley:

This story is especially close to my heart. My oh my, I sure do hope it's as close to yours. It's a very interesting story. You see, it all began when a pelican encountered a magic grain of barley. This pelican prior to encountering a magic grain of barley, was just an ordinary pelican. He went to work, 9-5, doing pelican things. He sure was an ordinary pelican. Until he encountered a magic grain of barley. Pelican was usually pretty careful about the sorts of things he put into his beak. This day, he didn't think twice. He didn't think twice at the sight of this mysterious, glowing and shiny grain within the rest of the barley grain. The moment he chomped down upon the barley, the rest of it swished around - swished about - inside his beak and then snaked it's way down his throat hole. This grain - this magic grain - though was tough. Tougher than a nail! And so, determined to chew it up good, Pelican sat chewing and chomping for some moments until all of the other birds began to stare at him. 'whats'a matta? Can't chew yous food?' snapped a younger pelican. Grandpa pelican whistled, 'be careful, you'll lose a beak tooth!' still, Pelican chomped. And Pelican chewed. But the grain within his beak simply wouldn't break down. Until before long, Pelican began to whistle himself. The other pelicans around him watched in complete awe as Pelicans beak transformed, in a single instant, into a massive cistern. Goodness gracious! His body grew in proportion. Hot diggity! His head became massive compared to the others'. Pelican could barely see over his massive beak with his wee little eyeballs. The other pelicans stood back, frightened. Pelican assured them, 'everything is alright!' Still, seems regardless of his attempts to calm them down and to reassure them, they simply grew more and more afraid. Some glanced suspiciously at their barley lunch. Pelican was no longer welcome in their home. Pelican deliberated, deliberated. He prayed and prayed. He read the Sacred Scrolls of Pelican God, searching, searching a way to reassure his brothers and sisters, all was well. One day, seeing the Pelican home's food supply diminishing, Pelican crafted a plan! See, he happened to know all about a barley supply further off in the jungle. So, one day, he flew over to the supply of barley and did done scoop himself up a tonne of barley in his humongous beak. From there, he waddled his kiester back to their home and opened his beak. From it, the stocks of barley were replenished. All of the pelicans rejoiced and came over to shake Pelicans wing and slap him across the back. See, we all have talents and gifts. At first, they may be awkward and intimidating to others. That's just because we are learning to master them. But if we use our talents and gifts for good, to help other people, we can become a blessing to them.


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