Busy, buzzing bees

A busy bee, buzzing through the air. He will never forget the first time he saw the prettiest flower he had ever seen. Busy bees name was Geronimo. Well, let me tell you, Geronimo fell deeply in love with his pretty flower. He received just as much love as he gave pretty flower. Pretty flower, though she couldn't say it, loved Geronimo just as much. Pretty flower would get a little sad every time that Geronimo flew off. She never really knew where he went. "If only I could stand up and walk!" Pretty flower thought to herself. "Or fly! Ha! Can you imagine me, a pretty flower, flying through the air?" Pretty flower lowered her head. Her crown of petals followed. Everytime though, Geronimo would return. He would play and massage pretty flowers head. She neither knew entirely what it was that he was doing on her head. All she knew was that it felt good. Real good! Of all the pretty flowers in the field, Geronimo picked her. It made her feel special. One day, Geronimo didn't come by. Pretty flower grew agitated. "If only I could walk!" She thought. "Or fly! Can you imagine me, a pretty flower, flying through the air? Hah!" She missed Geronimo. Another day passed. Geronimo was not to be seen! Pretty flower tried very hard to pull herself up from the soil. Try as she did, she could not do it. She was about to give up hope of seeing him again when, there, on the horizon, was a pair of busy, buzzing bees, flying right in her direction. She perked up her petals and lifted her leaves expectantly. It was Geronimo!! He had made a friend. Pretty flower didn't expect to become jealous so quickly. But Geronimo's new friend was a lady bee. There, the two frolicked and played together in her flowers and petals. Pretty flower smiled but felt very sad. She wish she could communicate with Geronimo and his new lady friend. She lowered her head. Along with it, lowered her petals. Lady bee, sensing a change in emotion, looked up at Geronimo. She looked around. Finally, she glanced down at the massive flower they were buzzing around. "What's the matter, pretty flower? Are you sad?" 

Pretty flower was shocked. No one had ever addressed her! She didn't know what to say. How did she look? Well, she perked up her petals again and lifted her leaves. She said to the busy, buzzing bees, "come up here! Round my head - I can't see you down there!" 

Geronimo asked, "are you really sad?! Really and truly, pretty flower?" 

Flower sniffled deeply, releasing a few strands of pollen into the air. "I feel like the luckiest flower in all the world. I get to be a part of your buzzing, busy lives. I just wish you would communicate with me. Take some time out of everyday, to spend some time with me." 

Lady bee smiled and said, "Pretty flower, you are the reason Geronimo and I have met. You are strong in your foundation and like a cord that unites us." 

And Geronimo said, "We promise to communicate with you each and every time that we visit you. From now on!!" 

Pretty flower smiled, perked up. She said, "now, what is it you are doing in my flowers - on my head?" Geronimo and lady bee glanced at one another and smiled coyly. They looked down. Pretty flower just smiled and laughed.


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