As the Racehorses Stampede

The fields were massive! Prairies of heavenly origin, spreading out from one direction to the other endlessly. The sky was illuminated by the walls of the glowing sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes, which were high up, high up in the sky. They lit up the known world just like a giant, giant star. Over the fields, breeze danced and played of heads of wheat and barley. These fields of golden grain danced and swayed to the rhythm of the gentles zephyrs, which played over them. Every so often, every so often, a massive procession of racehorses would stampede across the fields of the right ventricle. A stampede. Truly. Their hooves would shake the very ground of the world in which they lived. Nobody knew what caused the stampedes of racehorses. And surely, as soon as they had appeared, they would disappear again. Off and into the horizon of the purkinje fibres. Below the nodes' glow. Never, not even once had the locals had a chance to stop and question these interesting and curious creature horses. The locals were a unique and curious breed themselves. They were little, tiny fibres shaped like little, tiny hearts. They lived in the caves, namely the tricuspid and the mitral valve, deep within them. Most creatures of their world were not nearly as elusive as the racehorses. For the heart shaped fibre people fed on  aortic bears and pulmonary lopes. Ever since their first sighting of these stampedes of racehorses, tiny, heart shaped fibre peoples pallet was whetted and their appetites hungered. The racehorses presence was a mystery until one day, a lone and brave tiny heart shaped fibre warrior ventured out into the fields of golden wheat and golden barley, set up camp and planned to catch the racehorses off guard. It was almost night, at the set of the lights from the nodes when there was a deep rumble throughout the entire world. Before this lone and brave warrior fibre, materialized seemingly from midair, thousands and thousands of racehorses. Upon seeing them, he raised his spear and made quite the intimidating grimace! The horses paid him no attention but simply ran through him. Except for one. One had a look of pity in his eyes upon seeing him and stopped in front of him. Heart shaped fibre warrior cleared his throat mightily and addressed horse. "What is your name?"

Horse responded, "My name is Horsey. What is yours?" 

"My name is Vena." Vena cleared his throat again and asked, "where is it you come from?"

Horsey responded, "We form and stampede every time there is a storm of affection brewing on the outside. A storm of agape develops when the outside is stimulated by feelings of affection and love." 

Vena looked at Horsey as though he were mad. He responded, "What is the outside?"

"You must know there is an entire universe outside this tiny and limited world. This world of yours is known as the heart. But, there is an endless layer of worlds outside of this place."

"What is affection?" Vena asked Horsey, "What is agape?"

Horsey replied, "Surely, there are others in this world to whom you feel strong attachment and feelings of closeness?"

Vena harrumphed in acknowledgement.

"We arrive when these feelings are stimulated."

Vena remarked simply and profoundly, "How beautiful!" He asked Horsey, "can we see you again? Will our people ever have the chance to get to know the horses?"

Horsey responded, "It is not for me to say. But we are a transitory breed. We come into existence and then leave. In the meantime, we live in the nervous system, synaptically intertwined with the sensory preceptors. 

Vena gave a blank look, a look of confusion and whistled carefully.

Horsey continued, "this meeting has been permitted to you. That you may know and believe that others are out there. And that there is a universe of beauty, affection and love just beyond the cava."

Vena gazed solemnly and with wonder into Horsey's beautiful eyes and whistled again. 

Horsey said, "I must go now. My stampede has nearly reached the edge of this field of golden wheat and golden barley. I bid you farewell."

"But there are so many questions!"

"All you need to know at this time is that there is a great force of love and affection all around, guiding this world. And that everything is going to get better. Soon." Horsey neighed and raced off into the horizon. Vena returned to his cave and told the others as they listened on in awe and wonder.

At the moment the racehorses materialized next time, Vena and the rest of the tiny heart shaped fibre people could sense deep affection filling the chambers of their world. On the outside, somewhere within a grander universe, as the racehorses materialized a man was gazing deeply into the brown, beautiful and large eyes of someone he loved deeply. He loved her completely. He loved her enormously. As the racehorses stampede across the golden fields of wheat and barley within his heart.


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