Celestial Chariot:

Streaks of light across the sky,

On a comet's wings, we both will fly.

Like golden chariots of the night,

We erupt the sky with delight.

In front of us now, lie trillions of tiny stars

Matted on the darkness of space.

We fly towards the earth now,

A spectacle of light, shimmering it's way across the solar system.

We are coming from a Kingdom, far far away,

One where every dream is fulfilled and every joy complete.

The sun's rays illumine our glorious chariot,

creating for us a glorious display of a path,

We are flying towards the earth,

Approaching the moon now. 

It seems so cold, so lifeless. 

It does not resemble our Kingdom.

There before us, the earth stands in its orbit, blue and bright, so full of life, so light. 

As we approach, we give it room, pulling at the reigns of our golden celestial chariot, backing off just a little. 

We take this journey once every thousand years, 

At a point where our Kingdom is closest,

With the hopes of coming into range of the earth.

What a beautiful planet? 

We pass it now. 

We each gaze longingly at its surface, at its delicious blues and greens,

And just like that, we are off to another solar system, to another galaxy.

From below, on the surface of earth, at that moment, the skies light up in a maelstrom of glory. 

The glory of Jehovah God is evident for all to see.

The night skies, erupt in blues and greens and oranges and pinks and purples. The colors dance with themselves, like liquid within the sky. Never before has the world seen such a display of God's fireworks. 

The day time skies erupt in golden, white and bright blue whirlwinds and tornadoes. The tornadoes harm nobody. And in that moment, all of the earth, proclaim that Jehovah is God.


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