Tattered Hole

There was once a tattered little hole on a piece of fabric. Tattered hole didn't have much of a view seeing how he was only a small hole. From his perspective, every so often, he would have a front row seat to people's knees and, he gathered that whatever creature he was a part of was always walking away from things. He had resolved to being a less important creature, one who simply lived on another bigger creature. He was, after all, just a humble and tattered hole. On top of that, one thing he had gathered was that whatever the fabric was being used for, he often seemed to have been faced up against something, pressed up tight against something or other. Until, one day, tattered hole was caught on something terribly sharp. This caused him to grow nearly three times his original size! Every so often, tattered hole would hear voices. He wouldn't know what they meant even if he had heard them clearly. After the voices spoke, the fabric on which he existed was handed over to another creature. This creature was remarkably beautiful. Seeing how tattered hole had never had a good look at the creature he belonged to, he assumed all of the greater creatures were such and so beautiful. This beautiful creature, after some days, picked up the fabric and examined it. She prodded at tattered hole curiously with a needle and eyed him with a massive, remarkable and brown eye. She poked and tested at tattered hole a number of times with the needle. Tattered hole giggled everytime the needle tickled him. Alas, this beautiful, brown eyed creature lay tattered hole aside for another week. When she returned to the fabric, she seemed convicted this time to make tattered hole complete. She began tickling him again with her needle. Until, tattered hole was no longer a hole! His edges were all down together. He had integrated with the whole of the fabric! It was then that he had a greater perspective of the world. When the beautiful brown eyed creature gave this fabric back to his host creature, he finally got a glimpse of him. He truly was beautiful. Not so much as the brown eyed creature. But close. It was then, also, that tattered hole realized that the view he had possessed was directly upon the buttocks of the fabric. He rejoiced in that he had been counted worthy to be raised up. He vowed never to forget the lowly place from where he got his origins. Just like tattered hole could never forget the beautiful, brown eyed creature who healed him. He was able to see her more often from his new perspective. One could say that tattered hole developed quite the crush on brown eyed creature. He couldn't help it. He knew he was just a repaired and tattered hole. But he had never seen a creature so beautiful.


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