Blue Bison:

There once was a blue bison. It is a blue tale. Happy and true.. This bison grew among a herd of buffalo. You may ask, what's a bison doing with the midst of buffalo? Its a long story! Except its not. For he was adopted as a young bison when the buffalo family were on vacation. Well, I'll tell you, Mr. Bison grew up with quite a self esteem problem. For buffalo were indeed, much greater, much bigger and much more beautiful than a lil old bison. This made Mr. Bison quite sad. Yes, in fact, he grew quite blue. Could it really and truly be said that it was a blue tale? 

For one day, Mr. Bison wandered away from the herd of buffalo. When he did, at first he was so frightened. He wandered the great savannah prairies for days, being thirsty. And hungry. Being dirty. And lonely. He wandered from sun up, 'til sun down. One side of the savannah to the other. He was searching. Searching for his buffalo family. He yearned. He cried. He turned and he sighed. In the hopes his buffalo family would return. Return to save him from this strange, strange land. He hoped, he prayed, he hoped, yet he stayed, still, on a hill. Still as a bill. Maybe a bison family would adopt him. He was just so lonely. At last, he had given up hope and had set his wide and hairy nose to the west. Almost in jest, he wandered west. Munching the grass, and doing so with sass. He wandered and wandered. As he pondered and pondered. He wondered what it would be like to again be part of a family. He wandered and wandered. Westward and seaward. Until, many days later, he happened upon a tiny, hairy and cute mole, burrowing into the ground a wee and tiny hole. Mr. Bison asked Mrs. Mole what she was doing. 

"Digging a hole," she replied. 

"Boy, am I ever lonely," Mr. Bison sighed.

"Oh' my," said Mrs. Mole, "So is I!"

"Where's your family?" Mr. Bison asked.

"It is a sad story," she pronounced.

"I have an idea!" said Mr. Bison, "we can be a family! Will you be my friend? Will you be my very best ever?"

Mrs. Mole's eyes gazed up into his. She said, "I like that idea. I like very much like that idea." 

And so, Mrs. Mole burrowed a hole into the heavy, furry coat of Mr. Bison. How comfy. How comfy was that coat? As Mr. Bison wandered westward, seaward, with a new friend, a new best in tote, the two had never been happier as when they found in each other the bestests ever. 

The end!


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