The Vein that connected Two Hearts:

There once was a vein that connected two hearts. These hearts were in separate bodies entirely. And this vein, in point of fact, was entirely invisible. These two hearts could be miles apart. Or right next to one another, beating on one another. No matter how far the two hearts were from each other, this vein connected them. Through push, through pull, through trial, through joy, whatever was done to separate these two hearts, not a thing could work. Actually, every other body part envied the two hearts. For these two hearts had something no other body part could have. Such a direct love never existed within the bodily kingdom. Not ever!
One day, these two hearts were walking down the street together when they encountered a heart brain. This brain, scheming, trying to sow doubts between the two hearts, to come betwixt the two. And, taking aside beautiful heart, the female heart among them, brain said to her, "You know, I've seen Handsome heart galloping about with other organs. Doesn't this make you jealous and a little upset with Handsome heart?" 
Now handsome heart was the male heart among the two. 
Beautiful Heart responded, "No, no. Not really." When heady brain realized that his plot wouldn't work, he hobbled along down the neuropathways with his wee little knobby legs and disappeared from sight. Handsome heart and beautiful heart we're surprised to see the vein connecting the two grow just a little bit larger then.
Times later, the heart duo caught sight of another duo running towards them. It was Mr and Mrs Kidney. When the two waddled up to the hearts, they simply stared. Their eyes fixed upon the vein that connected the two. Finally, Mr Kidney sneezed and walked away. Mrs Kidney, startled, glanced between them and then chased after Mr Kidney. All this time beautiful and handsome heart didn't stop looking at one another. They didn't even flinch when Mr Kidney sneezed! And so, they watched as the vein betwixt the two grew in size again. Until the vein connecting the two grew strong and sturdy like a chain. It grew hard and versatile as a rope. It grew flexible and malleable as an elastic. 
Next, a tall, scrawny and hairy figure hobbled over. His name was Mr Nose. His nostrils were particularly high in the air today. Still, he breathed though them softly and patiently. Approaching, Mr Nose said to Handsome Heart, "peeyeeww! Hasn't anybody taught you to shower? You stink!" And then, turning to Beautiful Heart, he said, "Doesn't it bother you that Handsome Heart smells like an old brick of mouldy cheese?"
Beautiful Heart simply gazed with passion at Handsome Heart and said, "I don't smell anything. Actually, he smells quite attractive!"
Then, handsome and beautiful heart were surprised by the sound of a voice. Looking around, they saw no one but each other. The voice said, "Today, the love between the two of you has been tested and because it has been proven true, I, personally, have blessed it and fortified it. Your love, wherever you go, whatever happens, will always be as strong as the worlds strongest chain, as versatile as the worlds most versatile rope and as malleable as the worlds most malleable elastic. Make me proud. Bear fruit in the world through your love. You shall be together for eternity."
"It's me!" Jehovah said.


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