An erratically friendly Squirrel

Upon the roof framing of an old, decrepit tool shed, in the rafters of the attic, an old and tired squirrel made his home. This squirrel had his nest, hidden away within the back of the shed, facing an old, unused parking lot and sheltered by a large, wooden fence. This squirrel was not really old. But the stresses of this life had caused age marks to grow across his once vibrant and lively, youthful face. His whiskers, once perky and erect, had begun to droop and hang. His eyes, once beady and bright, had become dull and sad. That was until one day a young boy came and surprised the squirrel by taking a seat on the logs in the tight space between the fence and the tool shed. The boy entered the small space hurriedly and sat. The squirrel became agitated and fluttered around, here and there and everywhere. He ran so far from his nest that he forgot he was trying to protect it. The boy looked up in agitation, as the squirrel chucked in perturbation. He thought again about his choice to come here. The squirrel quieted down, realizing the boy simply was looking for somewhere quiet. He watched the boys mouth begin to move. Suddenly, incomprehensible language ushered forth from the boys mouth. "Manast la pa na boi a toh. . . Cho kli oh nasto cabosh." The squirrel couldn't understand him. "The fool," he muttered beneath his breath. The boy began to hear  rustling above, in the rafters. Squirrel had leapt out onto the edges of a branch and was in an aggressive stance while he continued chucking assertively at the boy. The boy finally glanced up and climbed up the fence a little. "Well, well, well, Mr Squirrel." The boy said. You have a family. Where's your partner?" Squirrel looked at the boy questioningly and twirled a whisker. To squirrel, all he heard was "Waka Waka loo. Waka woo. Waka woo." It didn't bother the boy that they couldn't understand one another. The boy said, "no wonder you look so tired, my friend. I'll be back!!"

A couple of days later, the squirrel had thought he would never see boy again, the boy rounded the tool shed between the fence. He had a little cage in his hands. Boy stood beneath squirrels nest and clicked his tongue. Squirrel immediately came out to see him. Boy said, "oh gee, do I have a surprise for you. Squirrel, I found you a partner. To help you raise your pups."  Boy held the cage upwards. Squirrel glanced into the cage. He saw the most beautiful brown eyes he'd ever seen. The second they saw each other, they leapt into one another's arms. Ever since, they have been inseparable. Except for when squirrel is off collecting acorns for their pups. Boy returns every so often. He mutters nonsense. Squirrel knows better. Squirrel knows he's checking up on them.


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