Angry Seagull
Seagull had a nickname amongst the other birds. Seagull was known around the flock as angry seagull. Gee Wiz! For the most part, angry seagull was anything but angry. In fact, he was one of the most popular gulls around. So, how did he get this nickname you ask? When it came to food, seagull was the angriest around. Some may say, in fact seagull became quite the bully when it came to matters of food. He would squeak and sqwuack and Hollar and Haller whenever food was laid down. He would charge and threaten and rush and thrush at any other bird who tried to get a nibble before he did. Angry seagull sure was an angry seagull. Until one day, the flock spotted a nice looking human wearing suit and tie sitting at a bench in a park. They peered at him over the top of their cover. Wait a minute! A seagull was already wandering around this human in the suit. When the flock spotted this human open a container of cashews, they rushed to the scene. They were followed close behind by angry seagull. The moment the birds landed in a circle around suited man, suited man delighted and grabbed handfuls of nuts, tossing them, one by one onto the ground. Seeing the human seemed to be choosing seagulls selectively to be tossing the nuts to, angry seagulls feathers stood up on the back of his neck. He lowered his throat, raised his neck and lowered his beak, intoning deep, menacing cuffaws. Each of the birds to whom suited man tossed a cashew, angry seagull preformed the same business. Every time, each of the other seagulls backed away. Angry seagull became full. Out of the corner of his eye, he heard suited man mumble some human gibberish. He couldn't understand him anyways! The other seagulls were muttering together, "golly! We wish he would save some for us! Why does he have to be so angry?" Their words, he overheard, only made him more and more angry. Moments passed. Angry seagull had his back to the street. Other gulls were the first to notice pigeon love bird waddling up the grass toward them. "She had better be careful," they said to each other. "He'll sure make sure she never eats here." Pigeon love bird waddled up right behind angry seagull and, when a cashew was thrown down, she rushed in front of him and nibbled at it. Angry seagull backed off a little, huffed and steamed. For all he huffed and for all he steamed, pigeon love bird paid him no regard. Angry seagull maneuvered around so that he was right in front of her. Still, she paid him no heed and just continued nibbling away adorably upon the solitary cashew nut. Angry seagull cleared his throat a couple of times, trying to get her attention. Still she simply nibbled away. Finally, angry seagull pushed his beak toward the cashew she was nibbling on. She lifted her beak and said in a delightfully respectable and feminine voice, "I'll have you know that this is not respectable behavior you are displaying. You will leave me in peace to enjoy my cashew nut." Angry seagull was taken aback. 'no one has ever spoken to me in such a way,' he thought to himself, 'I do believe I am in love.' Angry Seagull eyed her carefully. "What's your story morning glory?" He asked her. She shifted in her stance, turned so that her back was to him again. Quickly, he waddled into her eye path again though. She looked up at him, and with eyes that were moved, she paced toward him a little and nudged the remnant of the cashew nut she had been eating toward him with her beak. He gazed at her softly and then started to nibble on the cashew. They both nibbled on this cashew nut together. The flock watched on in amazement. One said to another, "We may not be able to call him angry seagull any more!" Happy seagull and pigeon love bird lived long and happy after this. They even created a mix of a pigeon and a seagull of a child. They were debating what to call it. He wanted to call their child piggull. She wanted to called him seageon. They ended up calling him love gull. For he was a gull filled with love.
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