Arctic Tern and the Flower Moon

One day, not long ago, a particularly brave Arctic tern stumbled across the field on his way home. His name was Jonah. He lived in the fields of a town in northern Greenland and every year, he and his colony would make the massive trek from the Arctic to the antarctic. Each and every year, his entire family navigated their way back and forth, or should I say, up and down across the entirety of the globe. And so, this year, this year was different. In fact, it was a year unlike ever before. For this year, a competition arose among the colony. It was a competition to see just who was the strongest tern of them all. The competition was judged on who could fly the farthest. 

Jonah resolved from the day competition was announced, that he would win. Jonah wanted the prize! For the prize was the heart of the world. The heart of the chief's daughter. Jonah planned and planned. He knew, if he were to win, he would have to use his brainpower since he was a smaller tern. 'How can I show my colony that I transcend anything it has ever seen? How can I make them go, wow!?' Jonah thought to himself. Other tern were lifting pebbles and eating raw grubs in preparation. Not Jonah! Jonah was studying the books for his preparation. Finally, one night, his eyes passed over a picture of the moon in one of his textbooks. that's it!' thought Jonah, 'Ill fly to the moon! No one's ever done that!!' Jonah deliberated about the matter and thought. Boy, he thought real good!! 'how will the others know I've been to the moon once I return?' Jonah, thought again. He thought real good. 'I have got it!' he cried aloud to himself, 'ill bring these seeds! Everyone will believe me when they see flowers on the moon!'

And so, next day, Jonah packed his bag tight, put on his coat and toque and mitts. Up, up he flew. Into the sky, carrying his sackful of seeds along behind him. As he got higher and higher, it grew cooler and cooler. Until everything in front of him was dark. Then, moments later, the sky was painted as if by a splatter of white. The light from these small orbs glistened. It wasn't those he was interested in. He had his sights set on the bigger orb. The moon! 'I sure am glad I brought my toque. It's mighty cold up here!' Jonah thought. Onward he flew. Until he noticed the sack of seeds slipping from his craw. With a swoop of his wing, he grabbed the bag. Some of the seed got away, floating away. He looked around and fixed his sight on the moon again. Seeing a small, lonesome seed floating away, just within reach, Jonah swung at it carefully and put it in his pouch. Ever more determinantly, Jonah sped toward the moon. It grew bigger and larger. Until it filled up his entire field of sight. He touched down softly upon the surface and looked around. 'How terribly bleak,' he said aloud, 'this will just not do. Let me plant a flower here. . . One there. . . Another over there. Soon we'll have a pretty celestial body! One worth visiting. Oh moon! No one visits you. And it's no wonder! You're so bleak. But not for long!' 

And Jonah got planting without a moment to spare. He watered the soil around where he had planted.

After a day's long work, Jonah packed up and looked toward the earth. 'They'll probably be wondering where I am. I'll be going home now!' 

With a swoop of his wings, Jonah shot up into the lunar sky and set his sights on the earth. 

When he returned, he landed next to a group of his colony. They were arguing. When they turned and saw Jonah, their wings flew up in relief. "Jonah!" They shouted, "we were about to call forfeit for you in the competition. "Are you ready to race? We're all counting on you!"

Jonah smiled triumphantly and said, "Race? Why I've already completed my race!"

They gasped. "Where did you go?" They asked.

"I went to the moon!" Jonah said proudly.

There was a moment of silence, followed by an eruption of laughter. The terns cawed and hooted. 

"I did. I did go to the moon," Jonah said. 

They laughed more and more.

Jonah closed his eyes and prayed. He looked up at the moon, full and bright in the sky. And, at that moment, the moon erupted in colors. Greens and purples and pinks and reds! 

The terns looked up, astounded and shouted, "what is happening to the moon?"

"Maybe I know what's happening to moon," Jonah said gleefully.

"Tell us!" They exclaimed.

"When I went to the moon, I brought with me my bag of seeds! I planted them up there!"

The colony erupted in applause and lifted Jonah up on top of their wings. They shouted his name and swatted him on his back with their wings. 

This is why sometimes, every so often, when you look up in the sky boys and girls, you can see a flower moon looking right back at you.


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