GoldenStreak the Dolphin:

Golden streaked dolphin was a very special fish. He was known for his exceptionally fast tail and for, of course, the long, luminescent streak right under his left eye. Some said it was a birthmark. Others said that a baby croc scratched his eye when he was just a pup. Golden streaked dolphin knew the truth. His beautiful, elderly mama' told him that it was a golden tear of joy, etched into his flesh. She said it was special and that it made him unique. Mama' always said that the boys and girls at his school would see it one day. And indeed they did. One day, while golden streaked dolphin was swimming along with Bottlenose, another juvenile dolphin were out playing together in the ocean. Mama' dolphin would always tell them to be careful. It seemed that every year, they grew more and more bold. The farther and farther they would travel. Bottlenose was a young girl dolphin. She had a dream from when she was very young. She had a dream of marrying the bravest and most handsome dolphin within the school. Her dream was to become the mother of hundreds of wee little burgeoning sea heroes. This very same day, the two saw something very dreadful deep in the sea, off the coast of a tropical land and nestled within the rugged contours of an island cove. Deep in the ocean and off the coast of a tropical land and nestled within the rugged contours of an island cove, their family were all gathered tightly. You see, they were fishing. For even fish, fish to eat. It was at that point when, with their backs all turned to the vast sea behind them, a group of vicious bull shark approached the school. Their school, their family consisted of about one hundred and fifty dolphin and one tuna whose name was Jack. He was adopted by the school as an infant but that's for another story. One wouldn't know the school to have been a hundred and fifty because at the moment, they were all tightly gathered as they fed on a large school of bluefish. Their bodies maneuvered and swept along with the intensity of the waves. Golden streak and bottlenose hesitated as they swam toward the school. The vicious bullshark smacked their chops and licked their lips coldly as they swam closer and closer. Golden streak glanced at the bull shark, looked at Bottlenose and then eyed his school with pity. And with a surge of bravery, courage and gusto, beat his rear fin until he was red in the face! He swam and swam and swam! Until he had caught up on the bull shark. The bull shark were apparently trying to sneak up on the school of dolphin. And when they noticed Goldenstreak rush past them, they rose their alert and started to spring toward the school. It was at that moment Goldenstreak bellowed the greatest series of clicks, chirps and whistles the ocean had ever heard! Bottlenose watched on with trepidious delight. 'Be careful, Goldenstreak!' she shouted. She swam upon the school boldly and strongly as well but was swimming slowly, maintaining her distance. Suddenly, at that moment, the school of dolphin alerted and turned about. When the bull shark saw the dolphins spread, they were intimidated. Yes, intimidated indeed! The dolphins seemed to span out innumerably. And as far as the eye could see! The bull shark lowered their eyes quickly and sped away in retreat with their tails lowered and their dorsal fins humbled. Goldenstreak breathed deeply and sighed a sigh of deep relief. The school of dolphin cheered and rejoiced over him. Mama' rushed toward him and said, "You see! I knew you would make mama' proud!" The school clapped him with their fins across his back. But, there was another dolphin's dreams to be fulfilled that day. When one of the dolphin cried out, "My word! Where is Bottlenose?!" Goldenstreak lowered his nose a little, swam below the collected school and sped in the direction in which they had come. He saw Bottlenose! A bull shark was swimming circles around her slowly, intimidating her. Goldenstreak rushed in her direction without a single thought. He skimmed the surface, performing acrobatics across the waves as he swam as quickly as could be in her direction. In a moment, he descended again and found himself right next to Bottlenose. He looked around and assessed the situation. Bottlenose was fearful. He caressed her fin briefly and then spotted the bull shark. The bull shark was almost double his size. No matter! Goldenstreak swam headlong towards it. He uttered clicks and whistles unlike ever uttered under the sea in the history of the planet. He was intimidating the shark. The shark, Goldenstreak had no way of knowing, was an elderly shark. He wore a hearing aid. Well, Goldenstreaks clicks and whistles must have set off his hearing aid. For bull shark crippled over before swimming away quickly. Bottlenose collapsed then. She began to sink to the ocean floor. But Goldenstreak spotted her and rushed to help her. She was exhausted and whispered, "My hero!" as Goldenstreak pushed her toward the surface with his nose. That day, that very day, Bottlenose and Goldenstreak were wed in a most remarkable ceremony. Dolphins from schools all across the planet were invited. It was a most glorious day! Never again did the bull shark bother the dolphin race. In fact, we could say they even lived in harmony ever since!


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