Hail! The Chipmunk King!

My dear children, bear with me. I would very much like to tell you a story. Pay close attention. It's about someone very close to me. But you may not know. As my story tells a story of a wee chipmunk instead. In point of fact, it's going to tell of two chipmunks. Two very special and glad chipmunks. Well, at least they were glad when they found one another. So, sit back, children, relax and nestle into your own nests while I tell you this very special story. It begins in the hole of a tree trunk. This tree trunk a family of very cuddly and very adorable chipmunks had called home. They had called it home for two years. Ever since the daughter of the family had been born. O' mama and papa chipmunk remember this day quite fondly. It was also a sad day. For that day, the family had lost another. You see, that day, two chipmunks had been born! How could it be, you ask? There are times when Jehovah seeks to remedy the injustices and sorrow of living in this system of things by creating a miracle. He provides these miracles so that the world may know His presence even in the midst of tragedy. So, boys and girls, also this day was a miracle made known. For never before had it been seen in all of nature two creatures being born from the same womb! The other chipmunk born was a little boy! A son and a daughter! Mama and Papa Chipmunk were so overjoyed. They noticed a pair of matching birthmarks on each of the twins. The birthmark was on each of their foreheads. They were little hearts. At that moment, a big, burly and black squirrel came into the hole and snatched up the little boy chipmunk! Mama and Papa were shaken up and crying. Newborn daughter Chipmunk was wailing! O', what would they do? What could they do? Papa Chipmunk rushed out of the hole quickly but by the time he had looked out, squirrel was gone! He returned and comforted his family. 

Years passed. Mama and Papa Chipmunk never mentioned to their daughter about her brother. They feared it may make her sad. But, the parent chipmunks were very pleased as their daughter grew up into a beautiful, intelligent and remarkable young lady. She felt something missing from her. Still, as perfect her life was, there was a hole in the midst of her heart. She didn't know why. Regardless of how much she was surrounded with love and affection, she always felt incomplete. Until one day, Lady Chipmunk was walking along the path, not far from tree trunk hole. She was sniffing and prodding along at the ground when she came across a disheveled and smelly chipmunk, laying sadly along the way. Lady Chipmunk approached him carefully, gave him a sniff or two and said, louder than she had intended, "Pee-yew! You sure are a stinky chipmunk. I'll say, tell me, what's your name?" 

Smelly chipmunk didn't make a peep. He simply watched her sadly. She said, "no, no, this will not do. I will not have a smelly and dirty chipmunk hanging around my tree trunk hole. Look up, let me have a look at you," she said. " Well then, can you move? Don't be so sad! Lift your spirits. You come with me to the river and we'll have a nice bath." 

At the river, Lady Chipmunk splashed Smelly Chipmunk with water. Suddenly his spirits lifted and he splashed her in return. She smiled and brushed a scoop of water across his face. She inspected him closely. Wait a minute! Boys and girls, what did lady Chipmunk see but the very same birthmark which she had on her own head! "Golly!" She uttered, "I happen to have a birthmark very similar to yours." She showed him her own. He started up. His eyes widened. He began to run round in circles, yelping and winneighing. 

"What's the matter?" Lady Chipmunk asked.

"I've been dreaming of this day my entire life. Sister? Don't you remember?! I was very young. I was taken from you. Tell me, how are mama and papa? What am I saying? Surely, they don't even remember me! It's been so long! I tell you, not a day has passed I haven't thought of you."

Lady Chipmunk smiled coyly and said, "I think you may be mistaken. I am an only child."

"Smelly Chipmunk insisted calmly, "You are my sister! Ask our parents. They shall tell you." 

Lady Chipmunk looked around nervously and fled. She rushed back to her tree trunk hole. Mama and Papa Chipmunk smiled at her as she entered. Assessing them carefully, she asked them, "do I have a brother?" 

They looked at eachother sadly and said, "In fact, you do. He was taken from us when he was only born. But how. . ."

Without a word, Lady Chipmunk sped out the hole in the tree and ran back to the river. Smelly Chipmunk was nowhere to be seen. She spent the rest of that day sniffing around the ground and prodding at acorns and rocks to see if Smelly Chipmunk was behind them. Children! Do you know what happened next?! Lady Chipmunk found Smelly Chipmunk! He was sulking over a rock, crying softly to himself. Lady Chipmunk approached him from the side and cleared her throat. She said - or rather asked, "Brother?" 

He started and was surprised. Lady Chipmunk rushed over, sniffed him a couple of times and kissed him warmly. She kissed him on the lips! But wouldn't you know it, chipmunk families did that as a custom of affection. Well, boys and girls, we should no longer call him Smelly Chipmunk! We shall name him Brother Chipmunk now! Well, Brother Chipmunk sobbed deeply and rushed into Lady Chipmunk's arms! She took him back to tree trunk hole where Mama and Papa Chipmunk were overjoyed! In fact, Mama Chipmunk nearly fainted with joy and surprise! For all they asked, Brother Chipmunk would not tell his family where he had been and what had been done to him. And so, Brother and Lady Chipmunk were inseparable for the rest of their lives. Lady Chipmunk helped Brother Chipmunk to learn skills and how to clean himself. 

Years from then, Brother Chipmunk had become famous within entire forest. He had become a proud ruler. As proud a ruler as he was, he never forgot his humble beginnings. He always remained humble and saw to the well being of his subjects. Particularly, he saw to the well being of their emotional well being. Who would have imagined it, my dear children, who would imagine a little chipmunk leading all of the creatures in the forest? I'll tell you something: it was really something else seeing for the first time, a grizzly bear, bowing knees lowered to a chipmunk! 

Brother and Lady Chipmunk lived long after, surrounded by love and joy!! 


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