Humble Sternum

Humble Sternum sighed a breath of consternation. Sternum was sad. You see, Sternum knew that he had a love out there. He knew that his one and only, to the bone, 100% forever soulmate was out there somewhere. How could Sternum find her? He was just a Humble Sternum. In fact, he couldn't even move! On top of that, Sternum was eternally faced away from the other bones. Sure, he had a great view of the edge of the universe. But what good is the universe when you are trying to be part of a galaxy?? Some of the other bones had that freedom of movement, like Mr and Mrs Kneecap and Floating Rib. It was a big galaxy, after all, made up of many bones and many organs. 

Where oh where would Sternum ever find his forever soulmate? He had so much love in his marrow to give. If only some beautiful bone would see that. 

One day within the Galactic Body, clamor arose amongst bones and organs. Galactic Body was in anticipation of receiving a very special dignitary. You see, Galactic Body always would be host to many visitors. Most of the time, these visitors came by way of the Stomach. Wouldn't you know it, as often as there were visitors, ones up to no good would make it in with them. No matter! Galactic Body's guards arrested them and kept them all until they were ejected out of Galactic Body through Mr. Anal Sphincter. This day was a special day. For Galactic Body had only just received word from Mr and Mrs Tastebud that the stomach was to expect a visit from radishes. Galactic Body loved radishes, you see. Humble Sternum rejoiced and lauded along with the others. Though, as much as he rejoiced, the other bones and other organs paid him no heed. Humble Sternum became sad. He would not abandon his galactic pursuit. By this time, radish visitors had entered the body and given Humble Sternum some much needed energy. Humble Sternum tried and tried to turn about. All he wanted was to look into the Galaxy in which he lived. He wanted to know who he was living with and who he was close to. All he tried, he couldn't turn about. Until, more and more visitors from radish came, Humble Sternum tried one more time, wincing his beady little blue eyes and gritting his tiny little teeth, Sternum did something that few other bones had done or could ever dream of. He flipped in spot! Before him, unfurled a most glorious galaxy. Before him unraveled a most resplendent sight! There, far off - but not too far off - somewhere along the edges of the Galactic Body, was a most fine looking and beautiful bone. She was eyeing Sternum carefully. When their eyes met, she looked away quickly but returned her gaze just as quickly. Within Galactic Body, I should mention, bones and organs could communicate with each other with a single thought. And so, this beautiful, mysterious bone said to Humble Sternum, "Well hello there. I'm Miss Thoracic Vertebra T4. My friends call me Thora. What's your name?"

Humble Sternum was shy. What should he do?! How did he look?! He hadn't even combed his waft of hair in days. It's okay. Thora does not seem to mind. He said shyly, "My name is Humble Sternum."

"You sure are humble," Thora giggled, "how in Galactic Body did you ever turn in on yourself?"

"It was the pursuit for love," Sternum smiled. 

"Tell me more," Thora breathed, intensifying her gaze.

Humble Sternum continued, "You see, I have always been an emotional bone. I have so much love in my marrow to give. I know my celestial twin exists out there somewhere." 

Thora smiled and said, "I am an emotional bone too. Will you be my friend, Sternum?"

Sternum replied, "I would love to be your friend, Thora."

From that day on, they were inseparable. The two did everything together. They welcomed Galactic Body visitors together and laughed together and prayed together. If only they were closer to eachother. For the closer the two got emotionally, the nearer they desired to be physically. If only there were a way to be near. Only for a moment. Until one day, Mr and Mrs Tastebud gave the announcement that Galactic Body was about to welcome dignitaries from the planet Quinoa salad and Calamari! Humble Sternum and Thora planned to eat together as they had for the past ten months. The two bowed their heads and prayed before the meal. They prayed in unison, "Oh good Lord, Sovereign Maker of Galactic Body and all else that exists, we thank you for this meal which we are about to receive. We ask you, Lord, to make a path for the two of us to be together. If it's your will, we ask you to make a way for the two of us to be united. We are only bones. But we know there is a deeper meaning to this life. We know this love is for a purpose. Good Lord, we put these things into your hands."

Whoosh! Right there, at that moment, the most delightful feeling overtook and overwhelmed Sternum and Thora. Each gazed deep into the other's eyes. All around them then, was a deep, gentle and red glow. The glow came from Sargeant Heart, suspended between them, held up as if by magic. Thora and Sternum pondered eachother deeply. And the two were deeper in love than they ever had been. "The third Cord is watching over us," Sternum whispered.


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