Jack the Tuna Fish

Jack the tuna fish was swimming eagerly, hungrily around the ocean floor. Luckily for Jack, there was plenty of tasty blue fish lining the ocean floor too. There was a shipwreck there, old and moss covered and long forgotten. Jack's fins all maneuvered quickly and spryly. Jack was only young. Still, he was fully grown. You see, tuna fish become very large, very quickly. True as it was, the same could not be said about Jack. While indeed, jack was a big fish - and quite a big fish at that! - he never quite matched his tuna fish brothers and sisters. He was much smaller! Some said that Jack's deficiency was due too poor eating habits. Jack knew better. Mama tuna fish told Jack the truth. Mama would tell Jack that God Jehovah creates His creatures small to shame the large. Mama always told Jack that the future was wide open before him, that he could do whatever other fish did. Even there were some things he could do, which blue whales couldn't do! After all, tuna fish boys and girls will remember the story of the little amphibian minoe who defeated blackfish the orca with a little piece of coral by blocking his air pipe with it! Indeed, Jehovah uses the small. So, Jack was busy looking for food for his school one day when out of the old, forgotten shipwreck sleek'd an old and massive electric eel! The eel eyed jack hungrily and sped toward him. Thankfully, jack spotted the eel and dodged out of his way. The eel doubled back and peered at Jack angrily. Jack thought quickly. The eel was bigger than Jack and Jack knew he wouldn't stand a chance on a fin to fin fight. At that moment, Jack spotted a hungry school of dolphin swimming to the bottom floor. Jack got the eel to follow him. The eel, so blinded by ravenous hunger pangs, didn't even see or expect when jack quickly dodged again, revealing to the eel, the open mouth of a dolphin! Munch! The eel was swallowed up. Jack rushed over to the scene. The dolphin was floating belly up toward the surface! The rest of the dolphin gazed along sadly, not knowing what to do or how to help. Jack, though, knew a thing or two! Jack swam quickly and struck this dolphin on its tummy. He had to do it a couple of times. But after, the dolphin regurgitated a few times and spat out the eel. The eel phased and shook up, started to and swam away quickly! The dolphin woke next. Dolphin also regurgitated a small bottle cap. And when no one was looking, Jack placed the bottle cap in his pouch! They all eyed Jack with wonder. "You saved her!" They all cried. "How can we ever repay you?" 

Jack smiled and said, "Your friendship will do, gentle dolphin." 

From this day forward, the dolphin race and the tuna fish race were united. But still, not every fish under the sea were friendly. As we have seen with Mr electric eel!

Days passed and the dolphin were becoming impressed that Jack was growing in size! Isn't it true that all we need sometimes, to reach out true potential, is to be surrounded with a little love. It's even true for a tuna fish like Jack!! He grew so big, in fact, he began to intimidate the other dolphin! But, the dolphin began to see Jack meant them no harm. He was as gentle as a sea star!! But, one day, not long from them, a massive, scary and dangerous great white shark found his way into the cove where dolphin and Jack the tuna fish made their dwelling. The dolphins had their nursery there and so, running away was not an option. The little pup dolphins threshed and agitated as the grown dolphins swam anxiously about. Dolphins all made a line around the nursery. Great white shark swam toward them viciously, smacking his chops and licking his lips. Dolphins had shark's full attention as he swam in their direction. Jack crouched behind some ocean flora along the bottom and when shark swam past him, Jack rushed up behind him and with a tremulous fin, shoved the bottle cap he'd found into shark's windpipe! 

The dolphins all watched on as shark keeled over after some resistance and swam away quickly. Jack watched on as shark, with a mighty blow of his blowhole, spat the bottle cap out and breathed deep. Shark turned around, gazed solemnly at dolphins and swam away. Jack was lauded a hero that day!! All of the dolphin cheered and comforted him. One eager, little, adventurous dolphin watched on. This dolphin had a curious golden streak under his left eye.


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