Peter the Black Fly
Once, in the hills of a central Ontario town, there was a swarm of black fly. These black fly were very hungry. They had been hibernating all winter, in a place wherever blackfly go during the winter. This moment, they had just awoken from that long, crystal cool freeze of winter. They were stretching their wings, licking their chops, smacking their little lips. With twists of their fly necks, they looked around eagerly. Eagerly to see who it was who would make their next yummy and scrumptious meal. However far they looked, from east and to west, from north and to south, no lucky creature was to be seen. One of these blackflies was especially special. He was missing a wing. still, he hobbled about eagerly from creature to creature, eager to share his love with them too. One winged blackflies name was Peter. And so, without prospective mates in sight, the swarm woke up fully, shaking off the sleep from their wings. They flew! They flew and flew. Until they encountered a deep and dark forest, wide and long. Peter was limping about in the air, barely keeping up pace. The swarm entered the forest with a vicious determination. Once they had crossed the lead cover overhead, their little fly eyes had to readjust to the new darkness. The second they entered the forest, they were met by a little skunk. He was a cute fellow. His whiskers long and perky and his tail cute and curly. The skunk though, was anything but cute and his tail was more than curly! The swarm, upon seeing him, went well to avoid him. Peter, though, had apparently never heard he warning tales about these types of creatures from his swarm. Peter, simply hobbled across the air and landed on this skunk. Some of the swarm glanced back, signaling to him. It was too late! Peter had already begun burrowing into the warm fur of the skunk. Some of the swarm shook their heads. Others whispered, 'hes a goner.' They flew off and left him there. Peter was busy burrowing with his little fly feet, when he began to notice a strange smell. After a while, this smell grew terrible. No matter. To Peter, he was safe, nestled with the fur of this creature he had found to be his friend. After a while, Peter stepped back, smiled determinantly and twirled his antennae. "That should do it!" He acclaimed. He felt a mighty shift in the ground. The skunk stood and raised his back.
"Who is there? Who is that?" Skunk said in a booming voice.
"Tis I!" Acclaimed Peter, "I am a blackfly. I have made you my friend."
"What if I don't want to be your friend?" Cried skunk.
"I don't... I don't understand. Why wouldn't you want to be my friend?" Asked Peter the blackfly.
"Well," exclaimed skunk, "we just met for one thing. For a start, what did you get up to within my fur? Why are you chewing on my flesh in this way?"
Peter said triumphantly, "I wasn't chewing! Point of fact, I was burrowing. I nestled my babies into your flesh! Isn't it wonderful? You will contribute to the birth of my special little ones!"
"Bah!" Said skunk, "come where I can see you!"
So, Peter flew up in limped midair in front of skunk. "Why've you only one wing?" Asked skunk. "You look funny! I don't know how I feel about a one winged fly burrowing his babies into my flesh. Give me a reason why I should permit it!"
Peter smiled, glanced down and whispered, "you're the only creature who has ever let me."
Skunks heart softened and he smiled for the first time.
"What can I do to help?" Asked skunk.
"Come to think of it, I have lost my swarm!" Peter cried. "Maybe you could help me find my swarm!"
So for the next days sun and moon, skunk wandered the forest haphazardly with Peter the blackfly at his helm. The swarm was no where in sight. Finally, they came across a bear cub who snarled at skunk. Skunk asked him if he had seen a swarm of blackfly.
"Matterofact, saw em just a moment ago! Went thata' way." Bear pointed in the east.
After another hour, they came across the swarm. They were ravenously flying overtop a deer carcass. When they saw Peter and skunk, they scoffed and said, "ah! If it isn't one wing!" Others said, "who's your new, smelly friend?"
Skunk said quietly to peter, "Do they always treat you in such a way?"
Peter lowered his snout and nodded. "You don't need them, Peter. We can start our own swarm!" Peter looked up at skunk. Suddenly, he felt such a wave of strength rush through him. He said to the swarm, "I deserve better than what you have been giving me. I deserve real love. Agape love."
The swarm spat, "where are you going to find that? You only have one wing! Who's going to love you like that?"
Peter turned and looked at skunk and said quietly, "somebody."
Peter and skunk turned and began to pace off into the sunset.
Peter said to skunk, "will you be my friend?"
Skunk replied quickly and strongly, "only if you'll be my blackfly."
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