Sara the Panda Bear

Sara the Panda Bear was quite a helpful Panda Bear in the Panda Bear community. She was always searching for ways to help her community. She had so much love in her heart. The other pandas in the jungle knew her for her remarkable and brave desire to help. Even if in so helping, she would wear herself out in the process. Pandas, you see, were a tight family. What happened to the one, may as well have happened to the other. What one did, each did. One day, while out, swinging on bamboo trees and relaxing under the summers sun, there was a yelp. It was a deep cry, shrill and terrifying. It rose and overtook all of the other jungle sounds. As the pandas all gazed about, in wonder and shock, Sara had her eyes open. While Sara was not a mother herself, the maternal instinct was incredibly strong within her. She saw one of the Panda pups had fallen through the leaf canopy. He was about to fall!! It was surely a long way down to the jungle floor!! Sara didn't even bother to tell the others. She simply huffed a deep and mighty breath and swang herself down toward the helpless pup. the bamboo branches bended under her weight as she descended. The helpless pup eyed her with panic. Until with a mighty swoop of her powerful and maternal arm, she scooped up the pup. She rose again, handing the pup back to his mother. Mother Panda wept and cried. The other pandas rejoiced and commended Sara. But, it was soon forgotten. Attention shifted toward the young pup who had nearly fallen. "Jehovah remembers," Sara whispered and smiled. "It's not about attention. I just want to help the others." 

Days later, business had returned to normal in the jungle. Until while treading along the jungles floor, Sara spotted a wounded chimpanzee. Chimpanzee had his back against a tree. Pandas turned about as Sara stopped. They said, "zing Zang zoo! Who's going to come and find you? Zip zap zus! Better keep up with us!" 

Sara glanced at Panda Bear family sadly and said, "I will find you. But I need to help this poor creature."

They turned, whistled and said as they ran away, "We'll look for you too! We know it's your job!"

Sara watched them through the trees, turned and gazed with pity upon hurt chimpanzee. Sara watched him a moment and then inspected him. "Are you injured, Chimpanzee?" She asked. 

Hurt chimpanzee nodded and whispered, "gobbledeewee, gobbledeewoo, alas, I am hurt, this is true!"

"What happened to you?" Sara asked.

Hurt chimpanzee pronounced, "Yuppileewoo, yastacamunter, indeed, I was shot by a hunter!"

Sara inspected his fur once again but couldn't find any wounds! "Are you telling me the truth, you lil monkey? 

Hurt chimpanzee looked even more hurt and even more pained as she asked it.

"Yistamadoo, malacomith, it is not a physical malady I am afflicted with. Rastacomame, but it hurts me just the same!" Chimpanzee managed to get out.

"What's the matter?" Sara asked, "tell me how I can make it better for you." 

Hurt chimpanzee sighed and blubbered, "the boys and girls, the other chimpanzees won't play with me, goobledeewee, yupalowad, I'm just a little sad." 

Sara breathed and said, "Why won't the other chimpanzees play with you? You look like a perfect and friendly chimpanzee if I've ever seen one!"

Hurt chimpanzee blubbered and held back tears, "I think, mistocloclink, it's because of my speech impediments!"

Sara sighed and smiled. "This, I can help you with!" She handed hurt chimpanzee a couple of cotton balls, which she held in her pouch. She helped him place them into his cheeks. Chimpanzee, phased, glanced around briefly and said very clearly, "My heavens! I do believe that you have fixed my speech impediments. For the moment these entered my mouth, I felt a release and I spoke clearly. Thank you!" Chimpanzee, for we could no longer call him hurt chimpanzee waddled off quickly. 

Sara smiled. "Now, where did family go?" She thought, looking around. At that moment, a pack of jaguars crept by her, hungrily. They eyed her eagerly. Sara could tell they were trying to sneak up on her. Their surprise was ruined when one of the jaguars stepped on a nail in jungles floor. "Yelp wee wee wee!" Cried this poor jaguar. Other jaguars abandoned their hunt and attended to the wounded cat. The jaguars ran around and about all in circles, not knowing what to do! Jaguar was bleeding! Sara though, knew what to do! She attended the wounded Jaguar and covered his wound with a cotton ball. After, she licked the wound. Jaguars eyed her with mystery and awe and backed away slowly.

At that moment, Panda family returned and found her! When they saw her, they shrieked. "It's Sara!" They cried. Papa Panda approached Sara through the crowd, smiled and said, "you do so much Sara. So very much to help other creatures. Today is a day in honor of you! Let us help you with everything you could possibly need." Pandas approached Sara and gave her kisses and hugs. All of a sudden, there was music playing throughout jungle! All creatures who Sara had helped in the past, you see, came together to celebrate her. And celebrate her they did. "Thank you Sara," they all said, "for your love, for your care. We are all here because of you today. We love you so much."


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