
A popular place to get information about what was happening in the world in these days was through a little box, government mandated to each home, called a televox. The man on the screen, whose constant presence was grating although, albeit comforting, spoke of different, graver subject matters lately.

The first time the concept of human beings needing air to breath was brought up in the town hall, most people in the good country were shocked, each of their very essences brought to a state of tumult. You could say easily that everything changed that day. The day that that one brazen man uttered the mention of the necessity of H2o for human survival. Don’t be mistaken, it certainly wasn’t the first time that people had come across the concept. It was however, the first time that someone had the shameful audacity to make this offensive statement.

The televox in its pervasive presence was not the only channel through which people could get their information about what was happening in these days. Another forum was of media was the “General Newsletter”, a sort of subscription database where everyone in the country could connect with each other. Everyone who was anyone was on this vast media network. If you weren’t on it, it was simply because you were too young or deemed to be a parasite, a prisoner or a slave. At first, this giant media presence was praised for its ability to connect others living far away from each other. 

Friends, you know, with whom you’ve lost contact with, could be put back in contact.


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