The Man Who Felt Overwhelmingly:

Good morning my dear children! Rise and shine! I say I have a unique story for you this morning. It is not a story you will hear just anywhere. It is not a popular story either. No, not by a hair! I say rise and shine young ones. Young ones of all ages, wipe out the wax from your ears and pay close, close attention. Because this story may one day, save your very lives. Well, not directly at least. But certainly as time goes by. 

Once upon a time, in a land very very far away, yet still remarkably alike to ours, there existed a man. Every main character has something, something which makes him special. I'll tell you, what makes this man special, just to lay all of the cards on the table, to get all our screws in order, was that this man felt. Yes, boys and girls, he smell-t, he dealt and he even had a strong belt. But none of these made him so special as the fact that he felt. He felt very strongly. He felt very passionately. He felt very deeply. In this similar and yet strange, strange land, for some silly willy reason, it was not acceptable that men should express their feelings. From the time they were babies, wee little infants, this strange society worked hard at shaming men into covering their feelings, stuffing them down deep and choking before actually expressing them. You see, the shame was so imbedded into the strange culture that no matter where a man went, if he had any interaction with other humans, he would be shamed. Doctors, schoolteachers, employers, heck even counsellors! But, I'll tell you the truth. I'll tell you where it really began. It had its roots in parenting. It was simply the way of things. It had been like this from before creation. Until, one day, this man arrived. He felt oh so deeply. He felt oh so clearly and passionately. From a very very young age, other boys used to bully him terribly, calling him names and laughing incredulously at him whenever he would break down and cry. What would he cry at? Just about everything. A golden sunset, the perfection of a plump, red and delicious apple, the sound of a baby's cry, the hum of a hummingbird passing by. Ashe grew, he found himself crying at far less, having learned to control his emotions. He experienced a great deal of healing as time went by from all of the bullying too. However much he controlled his emotions, however much he healed, the bullying seemed not to stop. Little boys laughed at him and pushed him over. Little girls also learned quickly to laugh at him and call him names. For what was once endearing and cute had become a dreadful nuisance to them as even they were raised by this shaming and strange society to be shaming of others themselves. Every other culture and land on the earth was shocked to see this strange land crumbling in on itself. This land, once beautiful, once prosperous, was plummetting in its life. Men were dressing as women. Women were dressing as men. Some even acted as animals. The land began welcoming strangers from foreign lands, lands who were poorer. Worst of all, it seemed that all semblance of law and rule had been swept away. One day this man who felt things overwhelmingly met a young woman. She also felt things enormously. The two became very close. The two were as close as could possibly be, united into eternity. But still, the bullying continued. All the same, this man was now, finally and eternally happy. For he had met another. He had met another with a heart like his. With emotions like his. With a heart like his.

One day, this man passed away, peacefully and silently in his sleep. His dear friend was overwhelmed with grief. But knew in her heart, he was safe because she had faith. Still, this very strange land rejoiced and lauded his death. "There goes that feely wheely," they said aloud and, "good riddance to the feelers dreamers." 

After a few days, a miracle happened. The earth was struck by an earthquake and darkness came over the earth for three days. After this, when the light returned, this man's cousin received a memory. Followed by memory and followed by memories. He started sharing his story. This man who felt enormously was humiliated and shamed terribly, consistently and intensely from the moment he was born. His parents did ridiculous, preposterous and violent things to him. It's the reason he felt so powerfully. But there is more. It is deeper. What he endured was also what everyone else in this strange land had experienced. Only to smaller degrees. "Trust in God. Cast your anxieties upon Him. Learn to feel through what you have not felt. This shame doesn't have to dictate things any longer." This man who felt passionately was at liberty and was still praying for the earth. Especially, he prayed for this strange land. Rumor had it, he would return someday soon. His love for this strange land but especially for his dear friend would keep him alive.

Well, my dear children. Tell me, what have you learned from this story? Eh? That's right. It's that we should always feel our feelings. I'm sure we could find many other lessons in this story. But, I think we have learned enough today. Are we ready for a nap, little ones? You have worked hard today and your brains must be exhausted. Well, get some sleep wee beautiful ones. I shall protect you as the pupil of my eye. And God shall protect you as the pupil of His eye.


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